
After searching several hours for a helpful hint on support pages and FAQs that really (!) work this question: I need Java WebStart for an application that works on MAC OS X (Mountain) Lion. So far we had no problem with the application on Snow Leopard.

On my MacBookAir the applications starts. On a second system with the same OS and the same Java installations I always receive the well known error window (with the corresponding English message like 'you have to load the Java Runtime Environment for Web Start.) A click on 'more information' delivers the java.com web page that offers the JRE download that is already installed. The corresponding console error message is: 'No Java Web components present, requesting install' System: Mac OS X 10.8.2, Intel Core Duo Installed Java:. Apple 1.6.037-b06-434. Oracle Java SE Run Time environment:7u9).

Oracle Java SE jdk-7u9-macosx-x64.dmg) Output of /usr/bin/java -version is: Java SE runtime environment 1.7.009-b05 The java.com website signals on the installed version web page): Version7 Update 9 installed. The Java Control Panel also says: 'Version 7 Update 9 installed' The Java Control Panel offers no choice to 'enable the Java web start'. Any suggestion is very welcome! Best regards, Werner.

I have serious problems getting our applications on web start running. I am using J3D 1.6 rc11 successfully for a longer time already for our standalone applications, just using self-executable jars - runs perfectly! Thanks again for all your brilliant work!

But now our current major app, the MembraneEditor, requires newly-signed web start jars, and I want to take this chance to completely move away from the old Sun stuff (and give also full access to the Mac world;-) However, big problem, it does not work. I was following Julien's tutorial: I am using: j3dcore.jar j3dutils.jar vecmath.jar jogamp-fat.jar of the 1.6 final release. Bjoern, Firstly thanks for an excellent description of your issue, lots of detail and obviously you've done plenty of investigation. Your jar inclusions look good, the jogamp-fat.jar is a fine option. These threee properties probably aren't useful But I'd suggest adding Without setting up a full development environment debugging this issue is difficult at my end because jnlp doesn't let me swap out jar files to do testing. Your investigations got you almost right up to the exact line of the NPE AppContext.getAppContext is returning null This is apparently an issue that arrived with Java 7u25 And obviously it has been struck before in Java3D as there is a work around set up in the JoglPipeline already.

Hi Phil, you are definitively the hero of this evening. Bjoern, All the thanks should go to you for posting a clear and thorough bug description.

It made it extremely easy for me to find the solution. The 'errors' were simply some output I put in to ensure the calls were happening in the order I has expecting, so I can remove that now. Java3D 1.6.0 has had a final build, so there can't be a bug fix put into that code line. I'll put it into the 1.7.0 pre2 code now, this (of course) may not help you much as you may want to be on the most stable release.

As a interim step I'm including another jar below that has the stack trace taken out, and has been given an explicit name including 'pj1', you will need to take responsibility for this jar and understand it has a custom bug fix in it; including all that that might entail in the future (i.e. Other changes will need to take it into account). Don't worry too much, it's only that when custom builds turn up they need to be understood by anyone that uses them. Then I'd suggest you start looking into moving onto 1.7.0 at some point so I can provide bug fixes to you more correctly. I'm really happy to hear you've got stereo going! Years ago I started playing around with it, and I could explore Oblivion in a Java3D game engine I've written with the Oculus Rift, but I haven't had time to look at it for over 2 years (!), so one day soon I'm hoping to get back into it, and each time I hear of people using stereo successful it makes me glad.

Hi Phil, Hi Harvey! Great, thanks a lot! I will put the new jar in my code tonight when I have time! And Harvey, yes, would be great to make a new release with small but changes for other people. Obviously you fix both fix here problems which should be normally fixed by the Java developers - what they do not do;-) Yes, side-by-side stereo works, that is not so hard to implement. The more interesting part is for me if I can use professional stereo mode for, e.g., Quadra graphics, which worked with pre11 and non-webstart. That would be great and I will let you know.

Best and thanks a lot! Hi At first, I'm a bit surprised to see someone still using Java Webstart whereas Java Deployment Tookit has become unusable and applets too. Bjoern, I advise you to switch to Java3D 1.7.0, especially because you target OS X. I'll upload the Java documentation that Phil gave me as soon as possible to make it easier for you. Harvey, just let me know when Java3D 1.6.1 is ready, I'll update the documentation. Phil, what is different in your test JAR? You added a single bug fix, didn't you?

Bjoern, you wrote that 'it would be much better if you can use only one file for all OS' but I really advise you to think about a fallback solution in case Java Webstart stops working. So great, I switched to the new jar and it runs without any error messages.

But it is even better: I compiled an extra version supporting stereo for professional graphics like Quadro cards - and guess what? Tested on zSpace 200 and a 3D-TV from LG.

And that is the reason, Julien, while I think that Webstart is still quite powerful. Yes, Applets are dead, Oracle killed them years ago, and in times of WebGL there is no reason to bring it back as the browser puts additional restriction to the 3D environment. But the web start does not.

Java Web Start For Mac

But I did now tests on Windows 10, Mac OS 10.10, each with Java 1.8.0131, and just today also on a new Ubuntu version with OpenJDK 8 (8u121-b13) & IcedTea 8 plugin (1.6.2) - everything works. On Win and Ubuntu it works without additional steps, on Mac you have to do the typical stuff you always have to do with downloaded 3rd party apps (right click on file in Finder etc.).

Java Web Start Windows 10

I also saw that IcedTea is working towards a version for Java 9, so this would another few years to the Web Start, I hope. However, I did not test e.g. With Win 10 and Java 9 by now, if Web Start stops working then. Julien, my personal plan B is now to just put there always some self-executables for those who struggle with the Web Start or want to have separate apps.

Of course it would be nice to have also some installation files for different systems like Sweet Home 3D which will afterwards automatically update, but I saw that this is quite time-intensive. If you want to play around, try it here: It's a pre release, I still have to fix some small bugs but which are not interesting for you. Okay, so I am quite happy with 1.6 plus Phil's extra fix - but if stereo works with 1.7, I could also switch, as I think it is less work for you - but as I understood, it is still quite experimental and unstable, or? I would prefer the stable version;-) Thanks for all your help!

Best, Bjoern. Sorry to contradict you but as Java Deployment Toolkit doesn't work, there is no mean to detect whether the JRE is already installed on the system. Which happens often nowadays as Java has become less popular:( I used Java Webstart for years since 2006 and finally, I gave up because a 'trusted' signed certificate became necessary and there were too much breaking changes in Oracle's 'security' enhancements. They have several limitations, you cannot increase the memory for the Java heap, etc. Phil can confirm, we don't expect regressions in Java3D 1.7.0 as he is mainly working on Android support. I don't find the license of your software.

Maybe would help as I see no standalone version for OS X and GNU Linux. Hi Phil, nice that you like our tool, so I prepared here something for you: Interesting should be JCIMCm22chapter33.zip (Two membranes with proteins) and vesiclemeetsmembrane10mergedlipidmoved.zip (a vesicle). This structural bioinformatics tool is usually interesting for people creating initial structures for membrane simulations or who need a fast way to play around with different configuration settings for membranes. Some videos about how to use the tool are here, in case you are interested: Please keep in mind: do not use the atomic view for large membranes, not the visualization, the modeling is here the key feature. Use the Jmol button if you want to look at the whole atomic structure of large membranes. Julien, I see your point and it is not a miracle that you gave up on Web start.

I think it was ca. 3 years ago where I required ca. One week to follow all instructions of the badly-documented changes from Oracle to get Web Start working again - it was a horror;-) Our self-exectuables should run on all OS, tested also with Mac OS and Windows. Our overall license is GPL3.


Yes, a number of other projects are included, so I prefer not to pack everything into a single jar: But thanks for the idea with JNDT, I will have a look at it, could be a good option for the future. So if the Phil's changes arrive in Java3D 1.7.X, I will test it! By the way: one key problem when working is web start is that you have to modify all jars with the corresponding tags, which were listed in the beginning. This great hint makes it very easy to edit the jar files: It was from michaelwarne at this forum: 1.

Navigate to the file location in the terminal. Type vim name.jar 3. Select the file you want to change and hit 'Enter' 4. Edit the file e.g., by navigating to a line to be changed, then hit 's' for example, make then your changes and press 'Esc' and ':wq!' To save and quit. One more time ':q!'

To exit the jar file This great hint makes life so much easier! Bjorn, Congratulations on your Quad2 release, it looks great.

I've had a play with that rat membrane you gave me, thanks, everything works well and is very easy to install and getting running. The application itself is fabulous, but obviously very technical and over my 'first year biology' head. I'd also like to thank you for putting the links back to Jogamp in, I'm hoping to slowly increase awareness of Java3D so those sorts of things help a lot. Just a note, my webstart start stopped loading in the cm2 file, but I just ran the executable jar and everything worked, no idea what happened. I notice that my running the executable jar allowed memory to go to 2Gb, and looking on the web I see that as of 1.6u18 or so the old idea of a tiny Ram size isn't important any more.

However I would add that I used a simple system that works very well, the executable jar just runs up a tiny bootstrap java process that then invokes another java process with the command line parameters in it and exits. Although the -Xmx appears to be less important now I also used that bootstrapper to download updates and overwrite the main jar, and more importantly I used it to give the parameter -Djava.ext.dirs=./none/ Which stops the mac OS from loading the old 1.5.2 java3d jars in ext. If you do start to use the Java3D 1.7 look at j3dexamples for how to easily switch to the programmable pipeline.

This package is a good start point org.jdesktop.j3d.examples.gl2es2pipeline The SimpleShaderAppearance will build most shaders for you, and can be used to see what the output of a given Appearance setup is in terms of shader. Just using the gl2es2pipeline should give you a big performance boost.

Java Web Start Not Working

If you want to really get performacne going well under take a look in /docs/perfguide.txt II - Performance in the API There is some discussion about how to get the original retained mode performance out of Java3D, which was unfortunately broken in 1.5.2 just before public release. Java3D hasn't done scenegraph compiling since then, and if you can get it working it's incredible the difference in speed and memory usage.

Sweet Home 3D has a lot of great code in it, but note that the update system is once again hand rolled. Thanks, Phil. I am happy that you like our proggy!

Java Web Start For Windows

Yes, it is indeed very technical, but it is a very convenient approach for those people who have to model a membrane. And yes, I think we have to increase awareness of your Java3D implementation, because it is very powerfull and you guys extended the life of many software tools for the coming years - although Julien might be right in that Web Start will not live forever;-) Also thanks for the info about the heap space - that is good to know! But if I understood you right, you did not use Java 8, or? Indeed, I developed the new release on the Mac, so I am surprised if you would still have the problem with Java 8. The problem which you mention I once solved for another app: using Java 6 or 7, I asked the user if it is okay to remove Java 3D-related file from the Java folder - this is of course very dirty.

You approach is of course much better: -Djava.ext.dirs=./none/ However, I fear this is not possible for Java Web Start. A long time ago we did experiments with the retained mode for the MembraneEditor, but as the requires a high level of interactivity, we skipped this idea later. So especially for molecular visualization it is interesting, as you have to visualize a lot of spheres in some modes. But as we later introduced also the possibility to change the coordinate of every single atom by our packing algorithms, the retained mode was not an option for us anymore. In the 3D Settings there is a Performance Mode hidden which is making a little bit use of tricks to increase the performance by removing the option to use atom-based modifications. Still, this is not comparable to retained mode.

But the strong aspect of JOGL is now, that you have in the background much more options to do tricks like shader programming in the future, and this is good that you go into this direction with J3D 1.7! And this is something which was nearly impossible with the old Java 3D implementation from Sun! So I hope I will soon find some time to test 1.7! Cheers, Bjorn.