
Docker is the developer-friendly container technology that enables creation of your application stack: OS, JVM, app server, app, database and all your custom configuration. So you are a Java developer but how comfortable are you and your team taking Docker from development to production? Are you hearing developers say, “But it works on my machine!” when code breaks in production? And if you are, how many hours are then spent standing up an accurate test environment to research and fix the bug that caused the problem? This workshop/session explains how to package, deploy, and scale Java applications using Docker. No notes for slide. Local development environments Self service app images Build, Test, Deploy applications Define app behavior and infra needs Registry services for image storage, management and distribution IT Ops maintains library of secure base content Manage role based access to repos/images Management consoles Provision, manage infrastructure resources Monitor, manage, scale infrastructure and applications.


Docker for Mac is super easy to use. It self-updates. But how to do you do that for other platforms??. Infrastructure management holds an interesting position — it has to prepare the environment for the container engine. Infrastructure management sets up the environment for the container engine. It then collaborates with it to service the user’s needs. integration in the future as Docker Plugins (as runc containers) goes back to initial goal of simplifying user experience through a common Docker plugin install experience.

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InfraKit can be used set up to run with leader election (e.g. Integrated with Docker swarm mode) to achieve high availability. Multiple plugin sets are running as hot standby but only one is active (the leader). no method to update!!— opinionated immutable infrastructure. Prepare modifies the Spec for the instance. It can inject additional init scripts, tags.

Healthy goes beyond just presence — is a node present AND part of a swarm?. No operations to create: watching nodes that don’t exist — will create them declarative state explain cases for using each. Why explicit is better than implicit (use unwatch / destroy example). Simple patterns Compose them into a large configuration.

Group is made up of Instance and Flavor. Note the config is used for all inputs. The system figures out what needs to be done. Only signals to system to start managing Docker plugins in a future implementation.